Chimney Cap Repair & Replacement

Chimney Cap Repair & ReplacementWhile new home builders seldom install chimney caps on masonry chimneys, virtually every chimney expert agrees that a Chimney Cap Repair & Replacement is an essential part of every chimney.

1. PREVENTS MOISTURE DAMAGE: Rain entering the chimney will corrode the damper and even damage flue tiles. We’ve inspected countless uncapped chimneys that require costly repairs to correct “freeze-thaw” induced moisture damage because the chimney did not have a cap.

2. KEEPS BIRDS AND ANIMALS OUTSIDE: Few homeowners realize how frequently birds and animals fall into a chimney and become trapped. We find bird and animal skeletons in 1 of every 4 chimneys we clean. Even more disturbing are homeowner tales of soot drenched (and possibly rabid) squirrels rocketing from their fireplace into the family room and beyond.

3. GUARDS AGAINST FLUE BLOCKAGE BY LEAVES AND OTHER DEBRIS: If you have tall trees near your home, it’s vital to make sure your chimney is protected with a quality chimney cap.

4. REDUCES FIRE RISK: By stopping airborne embers and sparks from floating upward out of the chimney, a chimney cap protects surrounding trees, and homes that are clad with flammable cedar shakes. Chadds Ford Chimney Sweeps offers top-quality chimney caps constructed of weather resistant 304-alloy stainless steel or copper. While the cheap galvanized caps that you’ll find at a home improvement store last only 5-7 years, all of our chimney caps carry a lifetime warranty against rust, corrosion or manufacturer’s defects. We are so confident in our rock-solid chimney cap installation procedures that we’ll replace your cap free of charge if it comes loose or is damaged by any wind less than hurricane strength.

For more information about Chadds Ford Chimney and our chimney cap repair & replacement services please contact us at 610-388-1316. If you’d like a free estimate on specific services, please click here.

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